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Business Administration Subject Guide

How to Become a Successful HR Manager?

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Scholarly Journals

The Journal of Human Resources

The Journal of Human Resources examines labor, health, education, welfare, and retirement issues. Focused on policy implications, JHR is intended for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. The journal includes rigorous and policy-relevant articles along with a communication section that provides up-to-the-minute, short, professional dialogue.

Strategic Management Journal

The Journal of Human Resources examines labor, health, education, welfare, and retirement issues. Focused on policy implications, JHR is intended for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. The journal includes rigorous and policy-relevant articles along with a communication section that provides up-to-the-minute, short, professional dialogue

The Academy of Management Journal

The journal is open to a variety of perspectives, including those that seek to improve the effectiveness of, as well as those critical of, management and organizations. Each manuscript published in AMR must provide new theoretical insights that can advance our understanding of management and organizations

Industrial and Labor Relations Review

The Industrial & Labor Relations Review is a leading interdisciplinary journal, broad in scope and international in its coverage of work and employment issues. We also publish reviews of some 20 books per year. This journal define industrial relations to include a broad range of market, organizational, and institutional processes related to the world of work.

Public Administration Review

Public Administration Review has been the premier journal in the field of public administration research and theory for more than 75 years, and is the only journal in public administration that serves academics, practitioners, and students interested in the public sector and public sector management.

The Journal of the Operational Research Society

The Editorial Policy of the Journal of the Operational Research Society is: The Journal is a peer-refereed journal published 12 times a year on behalf of the Operational Research Society. It is the aim of the Journal to publish papers, including those from non-members of the Society, which are relevant to practitioners, researchers, teachers, students and consumers of operational research, and which cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of operational research.