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Open Educational Resources: OER Repositories

This guide provides a basic understanding of Open Educational Resources (OER), including how to search, evaluate, adapt, and myths OER materials.




OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum. OERTX. OERTX Repository is a public digital library of open educational resources for higher education.

An open resource for faculty and librarians about Research Assignments. A research assignment is anything that requires students to engage with information resources critically or reflectively. This most often includes finding, retrieving, analyzing and evaluating, using and integrating, or organizing the information to produce new knowledge.

Large repository of individual teachers' content – contains some courses and lots of modular writings about a variety of topics.

Learning objects and lessons from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Contains a large collection of peer-evaluated websites.

This search engine from George Mason University is connected to 15 major OER repositories.

This repository is one of the biggest and more famous places to find and share teaching resources.

A large user-friendly OER search engine that allows users to search by subject or by course material type (e.g. textbooks, simulations, audio).

This resource seeks to collect and distribute a variety of OER at a variety of levels and subjects.

This blog formatted repository seeks to bring together free resources on culture and education. The list of movies here is impressive!

UK-based database of business skills teaching resources. Includes articles, tutorials, video and much more in a variety of languages.

Florida's collection of open ed sources.

This repository contains learning materials, software, data, and models for teaching quantitative skills in undergraduate biology courses. QUBES is developed in part by faculty at the University of Pittsburgh.

Temoa is a public and multilingual catalog of Open Educational Resources (OER) from Tecnológico de Monterrey in México. A large part of the content is in Spanish.