Academic Premier SearchOFFERS FULL TEXT. Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary database designed specifically for academic institutions. With a large collection of peer-reviewed full-text journals, the database offers information in nearly every area of academic study including: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.
How to Use Academic Search Premier:
1) The search screen will appear. There are many ways to search this database. Click the drop-down arrows next to the search boxes to search by author, title, subject terms, geographic terms, people, and journal name, etc.
2) Perhaps the simplest way to get started is to search by keyword (in the KW field in the drop down box). In order to search by keyword, develop a few keywords and keyword combinations that describe your topic. Enter your keywords or combinations (using "and" between terms.)
3) A list of records for your search will appear with title highlighted, followed by author, source, abstract, and subjects. There is also an "Add to Folder" button so you can easily keep track of articles you have found. Below that there will be a button for Full Text if it is available, or a "Get It @ R" button to search for it at RU.
4) Click on the title to view the detailed record which includes buttons to retrieve or search for the full text of the article, and author/title, periodical title, date, volume/issue, pages, ISSN numbers, abstract information, subject descriptors, and accession number information.
5) On the right-hand toolbar you can choose to add to folder, print, email, save, and cite the article.