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This guide is designed to help you start your Political Science library research.


Greetings Political Science Majors and aspiring Lawyers, This guide is designed for students to access information to improve research skills. It contains the best library-subscribed databases to use for searching for academic articles and other materials in Political Science; also top Political Science journals available online. Use the tabs in this guide or the links below to find recommended sources for Political Science research


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Sonya Lockett, MLS, M.B.A.
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
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1200 North University Drive Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
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Study Guides

Journal Articles Current Issues

International Relations

Political Science

Political Science Program

Networking Associations

Internships Opportunties

2017 Political Science Internships

Are you looking for a Political Science internship? A political science internship is an integral part of effectively starting a career in the world of politics. In fact, students of political science are strongly encouraged to think about internships during their program. A huge benefit of a political science internship is that students have a wide array of options and can work as interns in various government departments according to their interests


Political Science Internships Abroad

political science internships, then you might already take a significant interest in international relations. There is no better way to learn about how the world works than to travel and see it for yourself.

Internship Listings in Washington, D.C.
available to undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Internships

Congressional Budget Office
undergraduate and graduate students interested in the budget process and policymaking at the federal level

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

Congressional Internships, Public Policy Fellowships, and Scholarships
Internships are for 8 weeks in the summer for college students

Council on Foreign Relations Internships
opportunities in Washington DC and New York in summer and/or spring

Defense Intelligence Agency
Summer Intern Program
must be enrolled in bachelor’s or graduate degree program, proficiency in a target language, 90 credits completed by start of program, minimum 3.0 GPA

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Department of Justice Student Educational Employment Program
undergraduate or graduate students

DOJ Office on Violence Against Women

Earth Justice Internships
undergraduates in junior or senior year, recent graduates, and graduate students encouraged to apply

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) Internship Program
undergraduate feminist women and men from all majors; experience working on women’s issues; (Washington DC or Los Angeles, CA)

Friends of the Earth
Grassroots Intern or International Program Intern
must be college sophomore or above

Government Accountability Office
must be U.S. citizen, have completed at least 60 semester hours or equivalent, be enrolled in accredited graduate or undergraduate program in good academic standing

The Heritage Foundation Internship Program
summer and academic year opportunities; for summer must be rising college juniors or older; for fall and spring must be college sophomores or older; recent graduates and master’s level students also encouraged to apply

The Hill

 Intern duties consist primarily of writing and reporting. Interns also assist reporters and frequently get assignments that take them to the Capitol and the halls of Congress.

Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities National Internship Program
paid internship opportunities; Equal Employment Opportunity Employer

Institute for Women’s Policy Research Internships

International Economic Development Council
opportunities for undergraduates (unpaid) & graduates (paid)

International Labor Rights Forum

Jubilee USA

Kaiser Family Foundation
Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program
member of population adversely affected by racial or ethnic disparities in health; work or academic experience related to health disparities

Library of Congress

Minority Access Internship Program
must be US citizen; minimum 3.0 GPA; undergraduate or graduate students


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